Registration - Information
- Information
- Company data
- Business sector
- Personal data
- Confirmation
We need some information from you to register your company. This is necessary to ensure safety of the transactions and generate trust into the market place for all participants. Please note that you register a whole company with a registration with a main user who has administrator rights. The addition of further users to your company account can only be done by an user with administrator rights from your company.
The registration takes part in three steps:
- Completing the registration form: Please complete the given registration form totally. Please be aware of the input fields marked with an asterisk *. These input fields are necessary to revise your registration request.
- E-mail confirmation: After completing the form and confirming your data your registration request will be redirected. After the validation you will receive an e-mail with access data for your first login on our system.
- Complete registration: Your registration is complete. Your company account will be activated after your first login. With this access you can now use all functionalities and add further users to your company account.
Registration for contracting authorities and economic operators
If you like to register as contracting authority please get in touch with our contact persons which are named under contact.